The Hymnal 1982 <according to the use of The Episcopal Church> |
![]() 聖歌集TOP |
HYMNS 5 (294-361) |
HOLY BAPTISM (294-299) |
BURIAL (354-358) |
HOLY EUCHARIST (300-347) |
CONFIRMATION (348-349) |
MARRIAGE (350-353) |
HOLY BAPTISM | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
294 | POINT LOMA | Baptized in water |
295 | CHRISTUS、DER IST MEIN LEBEN | Sing praise to our Creator |
296 | ENGELBERG | We know that Christ is raised and dies no more |
297 | ERHALT UNS HERR(ISOMETRIC) | Descend, O Spirit, purging flame |
298 | ES IST DAS HEIL | All who believe and are baptized |
299 | LLEDROD | Spirit of God, unleashed on earth |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
300 | BENIFOLD | Glory, love, and praise, and honor |
301 | RENDEZ A DIEU | Bread of the world in mercy broken |
302 | RENDEZ A DIEU | Father, we thank thee, who hast planted |
303 | ALBRIGHT | Father, we thank thee, who hast planted |
304 | LAND OF REST | I come with joy to meet my Lord |
305 | ROSEDALE | Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest |
306 | SURSUM CORDA | Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest |
307 | BRYN CALFARIA | Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor |
308 | PSALM 6 | O food of men wayfaring |
309 | O WELT、ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN | O food of men wayfaring |
310 | HERR JESU CHRIST(ISOMETRIC) | O Saving Victim, opening wide |
311 | VERBUM SUPERNUM PRODIENS(NEVERS) | O Saving Victim, opening wide |
312 | MALABAR | Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands |
313 | JESUS、MEINE ZUVERSICHT | Let thy Blood in mercy poured |
314 | ADORO DEVOTE | Humbly I adore thee, Verity unseen |
315 | SONG 1 | O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray |
316 | CANTICUM REFECTIONIS | This is the hour of banquet and of song |
317 | MORESTEAD | This is the hour of banquet and of song |
318 | NYACK | Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face |
319 | GOTT SEI GELOBET | You, Lord, we praise in songs of celebration |
320 | LAUDA SION SALVATOREM | Very Bread, good Shepherd, tend us |
321 | ROCKINGHAM | My God, and is thy table spread |
322 | TUCKER | When Jesus died to save us |
323 | JESU、JESU、DU MEIN HIRT | Bread of heaven, on thee we feed |
324 | PICARDY | Let all mortal flesh keep silence |
325 | LET US BREAK BREAD | Let us break bread together on our knees |
326 | ST. KEVERNE | From glory to glory advancing, we praise thee, O Lord |
327 | PALMER CHURCH | Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord |
328 | SONG 46 | Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord |
329 | PANGE LINGUA(MODE 3) | Now, my tongue, the mystery telling |
330 | TANTUM ERGO SACRAMENTUM | Therefore we, before him bending |
331 | GRAFTON | Now, my tongue, the mystery telling |
332 | ST. FLAVIAN(ORIGINAL RHYTHM) | O God, unseen, yet ever near |
333 | NOW | Now the silence |
334 | ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN | Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing |
335 | I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE | I am the bread of life |
336 | WERDE MUNTER | Come with us, O blessed Jesus |
337 | UNDE ET MEMORES | And now, O Father, mindful of the love |
338 | LOBED DEN HERREN | Wherefore, O Father, we thy humble servants (Jervois) |
339 | SCHMUCKE DICH | Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness |
340 | BENG-LI | For the bread which you have broken |
341 | OMNI DIE | For the bread which you have broken |
342 | SHENG EN | O Bread of life, for sinners broken |
343 | ST. AGNES | Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless |
344 | SICILIAN MARINERS | Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing; thanks for mercies |
345 | ELLERS | Savior, again to thy dear name we raise |
346 | SONG 2 | Completed, Lord, the Holy Mysteries |
347 | LITTON | Go forth for God: go forth to the world in peace |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
348 | O QUANTA QUALIA | Lord, we have come at your own invitation |
349 | ABERYSTWYTH | Holy Spirit, Lord of love |
MARRIAGE | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
350 | ST. MARY MAGDALENE | O God of love, to thee we bow |
351 | HALTON HOLGATE | May the grace of Christ our Savior |
352 | CAITHNESS | O God, to those who here profess |
353 | WAREHAM | Your love, O God, has called us here |
BURIAL | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
354 | IN PARADISUM | Into paradise may the angels lead you |
355 | KONTAKION(KIEVAN CHANT) | Give rest, O Christ, to thy servant |
356 | CHRISTUS、DER IST MEIN LEBEN | May choirs of angels lead you |
357 | ADORO DEVOTE | Jesus, Son of Mary |
358 | RUSSIA | Christ the Victorious, give to your servants |
ORDINATION | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
359 | TOULON | God of the prophets, bless the prophets' sons |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
360 | ROUEN | Only-begotten, Word of God eternal |
361 | CAELITUM JOSEPH | Only-begotten, Word of God eternal |