The Hymnal 1982
<according to the use of The Episcopal Church>

聖歌番号 曲名索引(Tune Name) 初行索引(First Line)
214 LLANFAIR Hail the day that sees him rise
215 IN BABILONE See the Conqueror mounts in triumph
216 SALVE FESTA DIES Hail thee, festival day (Ascension)
217 JAM LUCIS ORTO SIDERE A hymn of glory let us sing
218 DEO GRACIAS A hymn of glory let us sing
219 ACH HERR、DU ALLERHOECHSTER GOTT The Lord ascendeth up on high
220 AETERNE REX ALTISSIME O Lord most high, Eternal King
221 GONFALON ROYAL O Lord most high, Eternal King
222 PARKER Rejoice the Lord of life ascends
聖歌番号 曲名索引(Tune Name) 初行索引(First Line)
223 BEATA NOBIS GAUDIA Hail this joyful day's return
224 SONNE DER GERECHTIGKEIT Hail this joyful day's return
225 SALVE FESTA DIES Hail thee, festival day (Pentecost)
226 VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS Come, thou Holy Spirit, come
227 ARBOR STREET Come, thou Holy Spirit bright
228 WEBBE Holy Spirit, font of light
229 CORNISH Spirit of mercy, truth and love
230 SONG OF THE HOLY SPIRIT A mighty sound from heaven
聖歌番号 曲名索引(Tune Name) 初行索引(First Line)
231 KING’S LYNN By all your saints still striving
232 NYLAND By all your saints still striving
233 JESU、NOSTRA REDEMPTIO(SYLLABIC RHYTHM) The eternal gifts of Christ the King
234 GONFALON ROYAL The eternal gifts of Christ the King
235 ACH GOTT、VOM HIMMELREICHE Come, sing, ye choirs exultant
236 JESU、NOSTRA REDEMPTIO(EQUALIST RHYTHM) King of the martyrs' noble band
237 GAUDEAMUS PARITER Let us now our voices raise
238 HOLY MANNA Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs
239 ALTA TRINITA BEATA Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs
240 FACIEM EJUS VIDETIS Hearken to the anthem glorious
241 LAUS DEO Hearken to the anthem glorious
242 JACOB How oft, O Lord, thy face hath shone
243 SALVATION When Stephen, full of power and grace
244 ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measures
245 NOEL Praise God for John, evangelist
246 IN BETHLEHEM In Bethlehem a newborn boy
247 COVENTRY CAROL Lullay, lullay, thou little tiny child
248 ORIEL To the Name of our salvation
249 GRAFTON To the Name of our salvation
250 SIXTH NIGHT Now greet the swiftly changing year
251 LONDON NEW O God, whom neither time nor space
252 LOUEZ DIEU Jesus, Name of wondrous love
253 SAN ROCCO Give me the wings of faith to rise
254 WYNGATE CANON You are the Christ, O Lord
255 MUNICH We sing the glorious conquest
256 CORNISH A light from heaven shone around
257 EDMONTON O Zion, open wide thy gates
258 PSALM 86 Victim divine, thy grace we claim
259 OLD 120TH Hail to the Lord who comes
260 TALLIS' ORDINAL Come now, and praise the humble saint
261 CAELITUM JOSEPH By the Creator, Joseph was appointed
262 BICKFORD By the Creator, Joseph was appointed
263 QUEM TERRA、PONTUS、AETHERA The Word whom earth and sea and sky
264 SONG 34 The Word whom earth and sea and sky
265 GABRIEL'S MESSAGE The angel Gabriel from heaven came
266 NOVA、NOVA Nova, nova
267 ST. GEORGE Praise we the Lord this day
268 JULION Ye who own the faith of Jesus
269 DEN DES VATERS SINN GEBOREN Ye who own the faith of Jesus
270 ANGELUS EMITTITUR Gabriel's message does away
271 UT QUEANT LAXIS The great forerunner of the morn
272 THE TRUTH FROM ABOVE The great forerunner of the morn
273 AVE CAELI JANUA Two stalwart trees both rooted
274 DE EERSTEN ZIJN DE LAATSTEN Two stalwart trees both rooted
275 MOULTRIE Hark, the sound of holy voices
276 DUNLAP’S CREEK For thy blest saints, a noble throng
277 RAQUEL Sing of Mary, pure and lowly
278 RUSTINGTON Sing we of the Blessed Mother
279 ST. GEORGE For thy dear saints, O Lord
280 HALTON HOLGATE God of saints, to whom the number
281 BRESLAU He sat to watch o'er customs paid
282 CAELITES PLAUDANT Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels
283 CAELITUM JOSEPH Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels
284 CROFT’S 136TH O ye immortal throng
285 DEUS TUORUM MILITUM What thanks and praise to thee we owe
286 ZEUCH MICH、ZEUCH MICH Who are these like stars appearing
287 SINE NOMINE For all the saints who from their labors rest
288 DIX Praise to God, immortal praise
289 WOLVERCOTE Our Father, by whose servants
290 ST. GEORGE’S、WINDSOR Come, ye thankful people, come
291 WIR PFLUGEN We plow the fields, and scatter
292 KINGSFOLD O Jesus, crowned with all renown
293 GRAND ISLE I sing a song of the saints of God