The Hymnal 1982 <according to the use of The Episcopal Church> |
![]() 聖歌集TOP |
HYMNS 4 (214-293) |
ASCENSION (214-222) |
PENTECOST (223-230) |
ASCENSION | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
214 | LLANFAIR | Hail the day that sees him rise |
215 | IN BABILONE | See the Conqueror mounts in triumph |
216 | SALVE FESTA DIES | Hail thee, festival day (Ascension) |
217 | JAM LUCIS ORTO SIDERE | A hymn of glory let us sing |
218 | DEO GRACIAS | A hymn of glory let us sing |
219 | ACH HERR、DU ALLERHOECHSTER GOTT | The Lord ascendeth up on high |
220 | AETERNE REX ALTISSIME | O Lord most high, Eternal King |
221 | GONFALON ROYAL | O Lord most high, Eternal King |
222 | PARKER | Rejoice the Lord of life ascends |
PENTECOST | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
223 | BEATA NOBIS GAUDIA | Hail this joyful day's return |
224 | SONNE DER GERECHTIGKEIT | Hail this joyful day's return |
225 | SALVE FESTA DIES | Hail thee, festival day (Pentecost) |
226 | VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS | Come, thou Holy Spirit, come |
227 | ARBOR STREET | Come, thou Holy Spirit bright |
228 | WEBBE | Holy Spirit, font of light |
229 | CORNISH | Spirit of mercy, truth and love |
230 | SONG OF THE HOLY SPIRIT | A mighty sound from heaven |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
231 | KING’S LYNN | By all your saints still striving |
232 | NYLAND | By all your saints still striving |
233 | JESU、NOSTRA REDEMPTIO(SYLLABIC RHYTHM) | The eternal gifts of Christ the King |
234 | GONFALON ROYAL | The eternal gifts of Christ the King |
235 | ACH GOTT、VOM HIMMELREICHE | Come, sing, ye choirs exultant |
236 | JESU、NOSTRA REDEMPTIO(EQUALIST RHYTHM) | King of the martyrs' noble band |
237 | GAUDEAMUS PARITER | Let us now our voices raise |
238 | HOLY MANNA | Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs |
239 | ALTA TRINITA BEATA | Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs |
240 | FACIEM EJUS VIDETIS | Hearken to the anthem glorious |
241 | LAUS DEO | Hearken to the anthem glorious |
242 | JACOB | How oft, O Lord, thy face hath shone |
243 | SALVATION | When Stephen, full of power and grace |
244 | ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN | Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measures |
245 | NOEL | Praise God for John, evangelist |
246 | IN BETHLEHEM | In Bethlehem a newborn boy |
247 | COVENTRY CAROL | Lullay, lullay, thou little tiny child |
248 | ORIEL | To the Name of our salvation |
249 | GRAFTON | To the Name of our salvation |
250 | SIXTH NIGHT | Now greet the swiftly changing year |
251 | LONDON NEW | O God, whom neither time nor space |
252 | LOUEZ DIEU | Jesus, Name of wondrous love |
253 | SAN ROCCO | Give me the wings of faith to rise |
254 | WYNGATE CANON | You are the Christ, O Lord |
255 | MUNICH | We sing the glorious conquest |
256 | CORNISH | A light from heaven shone around |
257 | EDMONTON | O Zion, open wide thy gates |
258 | PSALM 86 | Victim divine, thy grace we claim |
259 | OLD 120TH | Hail to the Lord who comes |
260 | TALLIS' ORDINAL | Come now, and praise the humble saint |
261 | CAELITUM JOSEPH | By the Creator, Joseph was appointed |
262 | BICKFORD | By the Creator, Joseph was appointed |
263 | QUEM TERRA、PONTUS、AETHERA | The Word whom earth and sea and sky |
264 | SONG 34 | The Word whom earth and sea and sky |
265 | GABRIEL'S MESSAGE | The angel Gabriel from heaven came |
266 | NOVA、NOVA | Nova, nova |
267 | ST. GEORGE | Praise we the Lord this day |
268 | JULION | Ye who own the faith of Jesus |
269 | DEN DES VATERS SINN GEBOREN | Ye who own the faith of Jesus |
270 | ANGELUS EMITTITUR | Gabriel's message does away |
271 | UT QUEANT LAXIS | The great forerunner of the morn |
272 | THE TRUTH FROM ABOVE | The great forerunner of the morn |
273 | AVE CAELI JANUA | Two stalwart trees both rooted |
274 | DE EERSTEN ZIJN DE LAATSTEN | Two stalwart trees both rooted |
275 | MOULTRIE | Hark, the sound of holy voices |
276 | DUNLAP’S CREEK | For thy blest saints, a noble throng |
277 | RAQUEL | Sing of Mary, pure and lowly |
278 | RUSTINGTON | Sing we of the Blessed Mother |
279 | ST. GEORGE | For thy dear saints, O Lord |
280 | HALTON HOLGATE | God of saints, to whom the number |
281 | BRESLAU | He sat to watch o'er customs paid |
282 | CAELITES PLAUDANT | Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels |
283 | CAELITUM JOSEPH | Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels |
284 | CROFT’S 136TH | O ye immortal throng |
285 | DEUS TUORUM MILITUM | What thanks and praise to thee we owe |
286 | ZEUCH MICH、ZEUCH MICH | Who are these like stars appearing |
287 | SINE NOMINE | For all the saints who from their labors rest |
288 | DIX | Praise to God, immortal praise |
289 | WOLVERCOTE | Our Father, by whose servants |
290 | ST. GEORGE’S、WINDSOR | Come, ye thankful people, come |
291 | WIR PFLUGEN | We plow the fields, and scatter |
292 | KINGSFOLD | O Jesus, crowned with all renown |
293 | GRAND ISLE | I sing a song of the saints of God |