The Hymnal 1982 <according to the use of The Episcopal Church> |
![]() 聖歌集TOP |
HYMNS 3 (140-213) |
LENT (140-152) |
HOLY WEEK (158-173) |
EASTER (174-213) |
LENT | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
140 | DONNE | Wilt thou forgive them that sin, where I begun |
141 | SO GIEBST DU NUN | Wilt thou forgive that sin, by man begun |
142 | ST. FLAVIAN | Lord, who throughout these forty days |
143 | ERHALT UNS HERR(ISOMETRIC) | The glory of these forty days |
144 | CORNHILL | Lord Jesus, Sun of Righteousness |
145 | QUITTEZ、PASTEURS | Now quit your care |
146 | EX MORE DOCTI MYSTICO | Now let us all with one accord |
147 | BOURBON | Now let us all with one accord |
148 | UFFINGHAM | Creator of the earth and skies |
149 | OLD 124TH | Eternal Lord of love, behold your Church |
150 | AUS DER TIEFE RUFE ICH | Forty days and forty nights |
151 | AUS TIEFER NOT | From deepest woe I cry to thee |
152 | A LA VENUE DE NOEL | Kind Maker of the world, O hear |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
153 | The Liturgy of the Palms | |
154 | VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN | All glory, laud, and honor |
155 | GLORIA、LAUS、ET HONOR | All glory, laud, and honor |
156 | THE KING’S MAJESTY | Ride on, ride on in majesty |
157 | Hosanna in the highest | |
HOLY WEEK | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
158 | HERZLIEBSTER JESU | Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended |
159 | STABAT MATER DOLOROSA | At the Cross her station keeping |
160 | CROSS OF JESUS | Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow |
161 | VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT(SYLLABIC RHYTHM) | The flaming banners of our King |
162 | VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT(EQUALIST RHYTHM) | The royal banners forward go |
163 | KEDRON | Sunset to sunrise changes now |
164 | BANGOR | Alone thou goest forth, O Lord |
165 | PANGE LINGUA(MODE 1) | Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle |
166 | PANGE LINGUA(MODE 3) | Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle |
167 | HORSLEY | There is a green hill far away |
168 | HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN(PASSION CHORALE) | O sacred head, sore wounded |
169 | HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN(RHYTHMIC) | O sacred head, sore wounded |
170 | THE THIRD TUNE | To mock your reign, O dearest Lord |
171 | PETRA | Go to dark Gethsemane |
172 | WERE YOU THERE | Were you there when they crucified my Lord? |
173 | O TRAURIGKEIT | O sorrow deep |
EASTER | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
174 | SALZBURG | At the Lamb's high feast we sing |
175 | SALVE FESTA DIES | Hail thee, festival day (Easter) |
176 | WEST PARK | Over the chaos of the empty waters |
177 | BICKFORD | Over the chaos of the empty waters |
178 | ALLELUIA NO.1 | Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord |
179 | FORTUNATUS | Welcome, happy morning |
180 | UNSER HERRSCHER | He is risen, he is risen |
181 | ST. ETHELWALD | Awake and sing the song |
182 | TRURO | Christ is alive! Let Christians sing |
183 | VICTIMAE PASCHALI LAUDES | Christians to the Paschal Victim |
184 | CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN | Christ the Lord is risen again |
185 | CHRIST LAG IN TODESBANDEN(RHYTHMIC) | Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands |
186 | CHRIST LAG IN TODESBANDEN(ISOMETRIC) | Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands |
187 | STRAF MICH NICHT | Through the Red Sea brought at last, Alleluia! |
188 | SAVANNAH | Love's redeeming work is done |
189 | RESURREXIT | Love's redeeming work is done |
190 | FISK OF GLOUCESTER | Lift your voice rejoicing, Mary |
191 | LUX EOI | Alleluia, Alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise |
192 | VRUECHTEN | This joyful Eastertide |
193 | PUER NOBIS | That Easter Day with joy was bright |
194 | ST. ALBINUS | Jesus lives! thy terrors now |
195 | MOWSLEY | Jesus lives! thy terrors now |
196 | PETRUS | Look there! the Christ, our Brother, comes |
197 | GRAND PRAIRIE | Look there! the Christ, our Brother, comes |
198 | MACH’S MIT MIR、GOTT | Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise |
199 | ST. KEVIN | Come, ye faithful, raise the strain |
200 | GAUDEAMUS PARITER | Come, ye faithful, raise the strain |
201 | ERSCHIENEN IST DER HERRLICH TAG | On earth has dawned this day of days |
202 | AD CENAM AGNI PROVIDI | The Lamb's high banquet called to share |
203 | O FILII ET FILIAE(CAROL) | O sons and daughters, let us sing |
204 | NOEL NOUVELET | Now the green blade riseth |
205 | GALOBT SEI GOTT | Good Christian men, rejoice and sing |
206 | O FILII ET FILIAE(CHANT) | O sons and daughters, let us sing (Easter 2) |
207 | EASTER HYMN | Jesus Christ is risen today |
208 | VICTORY | The strife is o'er, the battle done |
209 | ST. BOTOLPH | We walk by faith, and not by sight |
210 | ELLACOMBE | The day of Resurrection |
211 | HILARITER | The whole bright world rejoices now |
212 | RICHMOND | Awake, arise, lift up your voice |
213 | MIDDLEBURY | Come away to the skies |