The Hymnal 1982 <according to the use of The Episcopal Church> |
![]() 聖歌集TOP |
HYMNS 2 (53-139) |
ADVENT (53-76) |
CHRISTMAS (77-115) |
EPIPHANY (116-139) |
ADVENT | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
53 | GOTTES SOHN IST KOMMEN | Once he came in blessing |
54 | NUN KOMM、DER HEIDEN HEILAND | Savior of the nations, come! |
55 | VENI REDEMPTOR GENTIUM | Redeemer of the nations, come |
56 | VENI、VENI、EMMANUEL | O come, O come Emmanuel |
57 | HELMSLEY | Lo, he comes with clouds descending |
58 | ST. THOMAS | Lo, he comes with clouds descending |
59 | MERTON | Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding |
60 | CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM | Creator of the starry height |
61 | WACHET AUF(ISOMETRIC) | Sleepers, wake! A voice astounds us |
62 | WACHET AUF(RHYTHMIC) | Sleepers, wake! A voice astounds us |
63 | VERBUM SUPERNUM PRODIENS(NEVERS) | O heavenly Word, eternal Light |
64 | O HEILAND、REISS | O heavenly Word, eternal Light |
65 | BEREDEN VAG FOR HERRAN | Prepare the way, O Zion |
66 | STUTTGART | Come, thou long-expected Jesus |
67 | PSALM 42 | Comfort, comfort ye my people |
68 | LLANGLOFFAN | Rejoice, rejoice, believers |
69 | ST. MARK’S、BERKELEY | What is the crying at Jordan? |
70 | HERALD、SOUND | Herald, sound the note of judgment |
71 | BRISTOL | Hark the glad sound! the Savior comes |
72 | RICHMOND | Hark the glad sound! the Savior comes |
73 | ST. STEPHEN | The King shall come when morning dawns |
74 | VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN | Blest be the King whose coming |
75 | ASCENSION | There's a voice in the wilderness crying |
76 | WINCHESTER NEW | On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry |
CHRISTMAS | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
77 | VOM HIMMEL KAM DER ENGEL SCHAR | From east to west, from shore to shore |
78 | FOREST GREEN | O little town of Bethlehem |
79 | ST. LOUIS | O little town of Bethlehem |
80 | VOM HIMMEL HOCH | From heaven above to earth I come |
81 | ES IST EIN ROS | Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming |
82 | DIVINUM MYSTERIUM | Of the Father's love begotten |
83 | ADESTE FIDELES | O come, all ye faithful |
84 | GARTAN | Love came down at Christmas |
85 | CHRISTE、REDEMPTOR OMNIUM | O Savior of our fallen race |
86 | GONFALON ROYAL | O Savior of our fallen race |
87 | MENDELSSOHN | Hark, the herald angels sing |
88 | ENGLAND'S LANE | Sing, O sing, this blessed morn |
89 | CAROL | It came upon the midnight clear |
90 | NOEL | It came upon the midnight clear |
91 | ERMUNTRE DICH | Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light |
92 | PERSONENT HODIE | On this day earth shall ring |
93 | REGENT SQUARE | Angels, from the realms of glory |
94 | WINCHESTER OLD | While shepherds watched their flocks by night |
95 | HAMPTON | While shepherds watched their flocks by night |
96 | GLORIA | Angels we have heard on high |
97 | DIES EST LAETITIAE | Dost thou in a manger lie |
98 | PUER NOBIS NASCITUR | Unto us a boy is born |
99 | GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN | Go tell it on the mountain |
100 | ANTIOCH | Joy to the world! The Lord is come |
101 | CRADLE SONG | Away in a manger, no crib for a bed |
102 | IRBY | Once in royal David's city |
103 | PUER NATUS IN BETHLEHEM | A child is born in Bethlehem, Alleluia! |
104 | ANDUJAR | A stable lamp is lighted |
105 | GOD REST YOU MERRY | God rest you merry, gentlemen |
106 | YORKSHIRE | Christians, awake! salute the happy morn |
107 | IN DULCI JUBILO | Good Christian men, rejoice |
108 | WAS FRAG’ ICH NACH DER WELT | Now yield we thanks and praise |
109 | THE FIRST NOWELL | The first Nowell the angel did say |
110 | VENITE ADOREMUS | The snow lay on the ground |
111 | STILLE NACHT | Silent night! Holy night! |
112 | CRANHAM | In the bleak midwinter |
113 | A LA RU | DuSmete, Ni、o lindo (O, sleep now, holy baby) |
114 | UNE JEUNE PUCELLE | Twas in the moon of wintertime |
115 | GREENSLEEVES | What child is this, who, laid to rest |
EPIPHANY | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
116 | THIS ENDRIS NYGHT | I come, the great Redeemer cries |
117 | MORNING STAR | Brightest and best of the sons of the morning |
118 | STAR IN THE EAST | Brightest and best of the sons of the morning |
119 | DIX | As with gladness men of old |
120 | SOLEMNIS HAEC FESTIVITAS | The sinless one to Jordan came |
121 | CAITHNESS | Christ, when for us you were baptized |
122 | URBS BEATA JERUSALEM(EQUALIST RHYTHM) | Alleluia, song of sweetness |
123 | TIBI、CHRISTE、SPLENDOR PATRIE | Alleluia, song of sweetness |
124 | PUER NOBIS | What star is this, with beams so bright |
125 | PERRY | The people that in darkness sat |
126 | DUNDEE | The people that in darkness sat |
127 | STUTTGART | Earth has many a noble city |
128 | THREE KINGS OF ORIENT | We three kings of Orient are |
129 | MOWSLEY | Christ, upon the mountain peak |
130 | SHILLINGFORD | Christ, upon the mountain peak |
131 | VOM HIMMEL KAM DER ENGEL SCHAR | When Christ's appearing was made known |
132 | ERHALT UNS HERR(RHYTHMIC) | When Christ's appearing was made known |
133 | ELMHURST | O Light of light, by love inclined |
134 | JESU DULCIS MEMORIA | O Light of light, by love inclined |
135 | SALZBURG | Songs of thankfulness and praise |
136 | AETERNE REX ALTISSIME | O wondrous type, O vision fair |
137 | WAREHAM | O wondrous type, O vision fair |
138 | CARLISLE | All praise to thee, O Lord |
139 | CHRIST UNSER HERR ZUM JORDAN KAM | When Jesus went to Jordan's stream |