The Hymnal 1982 <according to the use of The Episcopal Church> |
![]() 聖歌集TOP |
HYMNS 1 (1-52) |
MORNING (1-11) |
TUESDAY (49) |
NOONDAY (12-23) |
EVENING (24-37) |
COMPLINE (38-46) |
FRIDAY (52) |
SUNDAY (47) |
MONDAY (48) |
MORNING | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
1 | CHRISTE SANCTORUM | Father, we praise thee, now the night is over |
2 | NOCTE SURGENTES | Father, we praise thee, now the night is over |
3 | HERR JESU CHRIST(RHYTHMIC) | Now that the daylight fills the sky |
4 | VERBUM SUPERNUM PRODIENS(NEVERS) | Now that the daylight fills the sky |
5 | SPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAE | O splendor of God's glory bright |
6 | CHRIST WHOSE GLORY | Christ, whose glory fills the skies |
7 | RATISBON | Christ, whose glory fills the skies |
8 | BUNESSAN | Morning has broken |
9 | MORNING SONG | Not here for high and holy things |
10 | KEDRON | New every morning is the love |
11 | MORNING HYMN | Awake, my soul, and with the sun |
NOONDAY | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
12 | DANBY | The golden sun lights up the sky |
13 | VERBUM SUPERNUM PRODIENS(EINSIEDELN) | The golden sun lights up the sky |
14 | O HEILAND、REISS | O God, creation's secret force |
15 | TE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM(SARUM) | O God, creation's secret force |
16 | DICAMUS LAUDES DOMINO | Now let us sing our praise to God |
17 | SOLEMNIS HAEC FESTIVITAS | Now let us sing our praise to God |
18 | JESU DULCIS MEMORIA | As now the sun shines down at noon |
19 | NUNC SANCTE NOBIS SPIRITUS | Now Holy Spirit, ever One |
20 | WAREHAM | Now Holy Spirit, ever One |
21 | SONG 34 | O God of truth, O Lord of might |
22 | RECTOR POTENS、VERAX DEUS | O God of truth, O Lord of might |
23 | DU MEINER SEELEN | The fleeting day is nearly gone |
EVENING | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
24 | ST. CLEMENT | The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended |
25 | THE EIGHTH TUNE | O gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christ |
26 | CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM | O gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christ |
27 | LUCIS CREATOR OPTIME | O blest Creator of the light |
28 | BROMLEY | O blest Creator of the light |
29 | BROMLEY | O Trinity of blessed Light |
30 | O LUX BEATA TRINITAS | O Trinity of blessed Light |
31 | DUNEDIN | Most Holy God, the Lord of heaven |
32 | IMMENSE CAELI CONDITOR | Most Holy God, the Lord of heaven |
33 | CHRISTE、LUX MUNDI | Christ, mighty Savior |
34 | INNISFREE FARM | Christ, mighty Savior |
35 | MIGHTY SAVIOR | Christ, mighty Savior |
36 | LE CANTIQUE DE SIMEON | O gladsome light, O grace |
37 | EVENING HYMN | O Brightness of the immortal Father's face |
COMPLINE | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
38 | JESU、NOSTRA REDEMPTIO(EQUALIST RHYTHM) | Jesus, Redeemer of the world |
39 | WILDERNESS | Jesus, Redeemer of the world |
40 | CHRISTE、QUI LUX ES ET DIES | O Christ, who art the Light and Day |
41 | COMPLINE | O Christ, who art both light and day |
42 | MERRIAL | Now the day is over |
43 | THE EIGHTH TUNE | All praise to thee, my God, this night |
44 | TE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM(SARUM) | To you before the close of day |
45 | TE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM(SARUM FERIAL) | To you before the close of day |
46 | O WELT、ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN | The duteous day now closeth |
SUNDAY | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
47 | GOT SEI DANK | On this day, the first of days |
MONDAY | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
48 | ES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVOGELEIN | O day of rest and gladness |
TUESDAY | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
49 | MEADVILLE | Come, let us with our Lord arise |
WEDNESDAY | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
50 | LONDON NEW | This is the day the Lord hath made |
THURSDAY | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
51 | DECATUR PLACE | We the Lord's people,. heart and voice uniting |
FRIDAY | Page Top | |
聖歌番号 | 曲名索引(Tune Name) | 初行索引(First Line) |
52 | RUSHFORD | This day at thy creating word |